Défense de l'enfant


"Schutz fir d'Kand" has filed a
Public Petition 867 with Parliament aiming at child and humain dignity protection and challenging Bill 6568A on assisted reproductive technology (ART) with third party donor and surrogacy.
Public petition 867 does not address the intra-couple ART (with the couple's ovocytes)

Link to Petition 867
Bill 6568A on assisted reproductive technology (ART) with third party donor and surrogacy, issued August 3, 2017, violates child's Rights and human dignity.


Same sex marriage deprives children of a coherent filiation, of a father and a mother

As for many minorities, homosexual people have been persecuted and have faced great risks. Yet society should ensure that all its members are provided with protection and the opportunity to live in peace, irrespective of their race, religion, political opinion or sexual orientation.
But same sex marriage hurts child's rights.


Under construction.


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